Friday, June 14, 2024

No way! We did “Empty Frames” last summer!

My plan to spot minutiae on my birthday excursion to Capilano Suspension Bridge was almost hijacked. I'd barely passed through the turnstile when I saw this new touristy attraction – a big frame for photo-taking.


The funny thing is – it reminded me of how much I've missed doing people in movement.  And there were a whole lot of people on the bridge.


At day's end, I wondered if "mob scene" might morph into "minutiae."  You see, there had been a funny episode, almost at mid-span. Of course, photos were snapping everywhere (not by me – I was holding onto the railing with both hands).  A couple who were about five feet ahead of me were determined to get several photos of the young woman in various poses sitting on the bridge deck. 


Of course, this held up walkers in both directions but these two were undeterred, even as the loudspeaker repeatedly announced, "Please consider others. Take photos quickly and do not block bridge traffic."  Evidently, the two were visiting from the Land of It's-All-About-Me.


Eventually, they moved on – and for the next day or two, I tried to immortalize them.  These studies took a while and before long, I realized that with all those people, it could take all summer to develop a painting.



Well, I would have to look elsewhere for a Minutiae topic.  Conveniently, that day's mail brought a pamphlet from The Dance Centre  – the source of many of my movement studies.


Now wait a minute.  Doesn't this print layout suggest……….a frame?!? 


There was no option but to give in – and at least satisfy my cravings to get people in motion. Here's the quick finale for "About to Be Framed – Minutiae Series" (copyright 2024).


Summer Camp will be here before we know it.  In anticipation, I'm getting my cohort moved outside.  In my childhood, I secretly longed for a garden gnome – are these a little more…. grown-up?











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