Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Phases -- and faces -- of the Moon

After that playful Gemini romp in the previous post, The Zodiac Cafe series (first explained here) is moving right along.  But first, let's do a little sidebar explanation of what's meant by the correlation of physical characteristics with signs of the Zodiac.

First, it doesn't mean that everyone born in the same sign -- Cancer in this cycle -- will look alike or like the typical descriptions Manly P. Hall gleaned from medieval manuscripts, among other sources.  I've had many lovely friends (my mother, too) among Cancers, and none of  them has features resembling Hall's list:--
"Head large, neck short, eyes large; nose snub or full; mouth large, body heavy especially above the waist; hands and feet small."
His descriptions often derive in part from the symbol associated with the sign -- so if you keep in mind that the Moon is Cancer's symbol, it makes a kind of sense. 

Second, no, I don't do horoscopes and don't really know much about the theories behind them.  I am intrigued by symbol systems and typologies which can sometimes make for elegant puzzles.  At one time, I read enough about astrology to see that you can have fun playing with the factors a dozen ways.  And play I did many years back, packing all kinds of traditional lore into the Astrological Plants series:--

Now, onward to The Zodiac Cafe.   About two years ago, I saw a small exhibit of a wonderful Vancouver artist, whose figurative works include the self-portrait he makes annually on his birthday:

I've wanted to learn from his style, and the Moon was full!  I saw that I could try a spinoff matching Hall's description if I made his head bigger, his neck shorter, his nose snubber and...well, you get the picture.  What's more, since Cancer is a "water sign," I got up nerve to finally try the "Sta-Wet" palette I'd put in my Christmas stocking -- an ingenious device that defeats acrylic paint's tendency to dry out very quickly. (Verdict:  A genius idea.  How did I ever live without it?)

Away we go.  Here's an early stage (sometimes I like these the best):

And the final version "Zodiac Cafe - Cancer" (copyright 2020)

Yikes!  Is this our friendly local money-laundering biker?  I wonder if his beverage of choice at The Zodiac Cafe would be the deliciously subtle organic tea served me last week by a wonderful Cancer friend?

Let's further soothe ourselves with a retreat into the realm of the Moon, and the Pearly Everlasting featured in my "Astro Plants" series -- a favourite BC wildflower that's just coming into bud and bloom on many a local roadside and in my own back garden:

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